Tuesday, March 2, 2010

SHO: Knowledgeable or Competence??

I like to highlight on this issue, & I did discuss this issue in the NRG-SHE mailing list. This is important so that SHO must aware that how important is knowledge in managing OSH & they must be competent.

Knowledgeable SHO can't really become a competent SHO BUT competent SHO should be knowledgeable. Few literature or study has been done on competency. The one that I can recall is competency consists of
1. Knowledge
2. Skills
3. Attitude

Competence SHO has a capability to apply their knowledge in the workplace. Not just that, he/she also has the capacity to share or teach their knowledge to other people. They know what they are talking & also they walk the talk... "the shift from knowing to showing (Burz, HL & Marshall, K)"

In Malaysia, currently it's a trend that there are graduates or employees interested to become SHO. This is a positive trend BUT it is also can cause negative impacts due to the "quality" of SHOs. To all SHOs, apply your knowledge at the workplace by learning & practising few critical skills such as communication, negotiation, presentation etc... Furthermore, don't think that we have a green book, that's the end of the learning journey as SHO...

"The more you know, the more you know that you don't know" - Steven R Covey


izarudin said...

I strongly agree on last paragraph..
Learning is a never ending process...

aliasman_shepro said...

well bro, aku mengharap agar SHOs have this kind of mentality and desire to learn... continually

Kinky said...

you have got a very nice blog. you must start to take some health and safety training it will keep you fit and health.

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