Saturday, October 11, 2008

Safety and Health is commonsense (II)?

I had an accident inside my own house.... hemmm, work as SHO, but still you are not "immortal or immune" from any accident!! Why, because we just a human... what was happened, I slipped at the front of my toilet... slippery floor... really a good experience & alhamdulillah there was no major injuries :)

so, what other safety issues that most of us don't realized in our daily life? here are some of them, categorized based on hazards
Physical - sharp edges, slippery floor, staircase/steps, hot water, heat from iron/water heater/stove

Chemical - clorox, medication (pill, medical syrup etc), insect repellent (Redsect, Sheildtox)

Electical - all the electrical appliances...

We heard few accidents happen at home, but most of us ignored it because we don't realized the risk (or don't care about it unless it happen to us).... below are some accidents happen in Malaysia, & I really2 hope we can learn from it... "Learning is a continual process....."

A kid was hit by a fallen tv when he climbed the tv rack

A boy fell into a boiling curry cauldron

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