Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to manage HSE? (Part 4)

I have been 2 months I didn't write anything in this blog... quite tight with my work & other part time work. When I presented a paper last week in COSH2009, I highlighted another approach on how we can integrate HSE into Supply Chain Management...

The basic principle is like "cradle to grave" concept.... the most important aspect in integrating HSE into Supply Chain Management is to understand what are the activities involved in the supply chain... from there, we can see how the whole processes/activities inter-related... when the processes/activities were lay out properly & clearly, then it is easy for us to prepare the HIRADC.

Using Michael Porter Model on the concept of value chain, HIRADC can be integrated into the model. This will help SHO to understand what are the critical activities that have some impacts to the production. By understanding this value chain, SHO can focus & assist management to minimize any incidents in this critical/value chain... I will add in the model in the next post..

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