Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Safety During Fasting Month

Today, 17th day of fasting month.... quite fast I think.... but the interesting part about Ramadhan that is related to Safety is "mercun" or fire crackers...

This is unique case in Malaysia... since Malaysia is a multi cultural country, we celebrated different type of festival... Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Gawai & of course the biggest festival is Hari Raya... BUT, why there is always an accident related to fire crackers in Ramadan + Raya only??? This is sad, very sad... this accident always happen during this time.... happened in Malay community.... co-incidence?? "tepuk dada tanya selera"...

I believe & I think that Malay is creative & innovative when modifying "mercun"... maybe want to have a really "booom" effects, the kids (or maybe including the adults) need to modify the "mercun" little bit without thinking the risk that they will face.... come on, can't we see that we are dealing with explosive HAZMAT??...... hemmm, "orang utara cakap, habaq pun tak guna nooo..." Parents, please ensure the Safety is a priority in our daily life.... "raya, raya gak tapi bila berlaku accident, tak syok la raya...."

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